We, on behalf of the DVORAK Group, were very pleased to be present at the FMTI conference on June 6, 2024, led by Chairman Christian Knill, Management Sabine Hesse and Adolf Kerbl.

The expert discussions on the topics of industrial policy and development were exciting.

The integration of EU policy issues with top representatives from all political stripes was also lively!

A successful event in a top location, the MQ Libelle on the roof of the Leopold Museum with many networking opportunities.

At this point, a warm greeting to my table colleagues: Patrick Eisner (Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, FH Technikum Wien), Kristian Bertel (Managing Director ALSTOM Transport Austria GmbH), Sandra Lutz (Managing Director Business Unit Waffel of the Bühler Group, and Bruno Kittner (Managing Director, Heidenreichstein of the Bühler Group).