As reported in September 2020, we as a buddy company prepared ourselves together with Maximilian Lammer in the innovation workshop of the Innovation2company project initiated by the Lower Austrian and Vienna Chamber of Commerce, to define the innovation challenge and configure it for later cooperation with the startups.

Our challenge:

  • Segment: Industry
    Challenge: Digitization & automation of the bidding process

The other buddy companies and challenges are:

  • Segment: Banking
    Company: Hypo Niederösterreich
    Challenge: Onboarding in the non-retail sector
  • Segment: Advertising
    Company: Österreich Werbung
    Challenge: Redesign of the entire MICE experience
  • Segment: Hotels
    Company: Hotel Sacher
    Challenge: Optimized accessability & customer experience
  • Segment: Health Care Goods
    Company: Lohmann & Rauscher
    Challenge: Digital support & motivation for long-term patients

The Kick-off for the sixth season of Innovation2company took place on November 11th, 2020.

Startups can now apply and register for the five buddies’ challenges.

Get started!