A contribution to the ecoplus get-together event titled ‘new-in-town’ can be found on the website of the Niederösterreichische Nachrichten (NÖN). The expansion of the company METUSAN TURNING GmbH was also presented. DVORAK METUSAN’s new property in the ecoplus business park is to be the location for new production technologies and capacities for the long-established company in the future.
Read more on the NÖN website: https://www.noen.at/mistelbach/wolkersdorf-mehr-platz-fuer-unternehmen-mit-tradition-wolkersdorf-im-weinviertel-betriebserweiterung-unternehmen-wirtschaftspark-johann-dvorak-metusan-ecoplus-wirtschaftspark-wolkersdorf-kurt-hackl-print-310675615
Picture: Michael Pfabigan